With recent changes in the laboratory casework industry, Harry J. Kloeppel & Associates, Inc., is adapting to continue to be a world class laboratory casework dealer. These changes will affect everyone in the industry, but here at Kloeppel, we will do everything we can to assure that it does not affect our end users. With others having to rely on one manufacture or provider of material, Harry J. Kloeppel & Associates, Inc., has the ability to bring together multiple providers and manufactures to work with us to provide the best service to our clients. With a long history in this industry we have the ability to finish your projects on time and budget. This day in age we realize that getting products onsite in a timely manner is necessary to meet these always decreasing times lines for projects. With these major changes in our industry, problems will arise quickly and we believe Kloeppel has the ability to assist and navigate you through any and all problems with minimal disruption. From design to install, please let us assist you.